Press Kit
Feature us!
If you manage a web-site, or publish a news-letter, and are happy
with our products, we invite you to place a link to our site! Please
do so! If you really feel you're satisfied with us, then please don't
hesitate to express your opinion online by placing a link with a small
description, and a good-looking, attractive picture. This way you help
us to survive in today's extremely competitive Internet marketplace.
Images on this page will help you make your link look better. They are
descriptive, yet optimized to be very small - a few kilobytes in size
at the most. And they should perfectly match any of the existing
web-design layouts, as well. Please note that polygraphic quality
images and high-quality cover art graphics for the press are also available
in this media kit.
160 x 160, 6 KB
148 x 96, 5 KB
120 x 78, 4 KB
152 x 70, 4 KB
120 x 96, 4 KB
160 x 160, 7 KB
160 x 158, 10 KB
120 x 120, 2 KB
120 x 120, 2 KB
103 x 100, 6 KB
117 x 81, 2 KB