Frequently Asked Questions
- Building my own property layout seems to be a difficult task. Could you please help somehow?
- Is there a way to make it so that certain properties would come up automatically in the property pane? I want some properties be automatically available without having to use Add command all the time.
- I get "An error occurred while attempting to initialize the Borland Database Engine (error $210C)" message while starting Argentum Coolbase or opening a tree.
Building my own property layout seems to be a difficult task. Could you please help somehow?
It is easy to generate property layouts yourself! It takes just a
few seconds to change or add a new header to the indexing table, and
no more than a couple of minutes to change the whole layout. Just try
reading definitions section in documentation before working with
properties. If you still think it is not so obvious to you - write us
about that, we will be happy to help you (especially if you are a
registered user).
Is there a way to make it so that certain properties would come up automatically in the property pane? I want some properties be automatically available without having to use Add command all the time.
You can use so-called favorite properties. Specify the names of
your favorite properties in the options dialog. Once set they will be
automatically available each time you edit an item. Note that favorite
properties are unique for each tree, hence you should specify them for
each tree separately.
I get "An error occurred while attempting to initialize the Borland Database Engine (error $210C)" message while starting Argentum Coolbase or opening a tree.
This is because you have BDE (Borland Database Engine) installed on
your computer, and the BDE application is running while you are trying
to run Argentum Coolbase at the same time. There are two workarounds:
(1) do not launch Argentum Coolbase together with the BDE application,
or (2) place "ac.exe" file from the Argentum Coolbase folder into the
BDE folder (usually "C:\Program Files\Borland Database Engine") and
run Argentum Coolbase directly from the BDE folder. This should
More Information
You can read more on how to store your information in a portable
tree-like database and keep all of your data organized here at
Argentum Coolbase' online documentation. A complete set of
documentation is also available with the program installation.
Argentum Coolbase™ Online Manual
Still have a question that is not answered? You are welcome to
ask it here.
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